
For as long as I have been a therapist, I have been interested in working with a wide variety of people and problems. I enjoy working with individual adults as they strive to feel good about themselves and find harmony in their lives and in their relationships. I see men and women individually as they endeavor to reach their full potential yet cope with the demands of work and family. Research on the brain shows that therapy contributes to improved brain function. In keeping with this, I utilize mind-body therapies including self-healing visualizations, relaxation skills, and mindfulness strategies to help prevent illness, reduce stress, and handle pain.

I am experienced doing marital or relationship therapy and find the research that has been done over the years to be helpful in knowing what makes healthy couple relationships.  I can help you improve your communication skills and change the behavior that goes against the emotional closeness you want to have.

For many years I worked with children and families and am a Child Mental Health Specialist through the State of Washington.  I have found that in order for complete change and healing to be done, the family must be looked at and treated as a system.